Punkbuster Cod4 Download Pc
Title: CoD4 PB Files - Windows: Game: PC: UNKNOWN GAME: Origin: EU: Filename: File 6409 - gaacod4win32.zip: Sizes: 4.3MB (Download): Hits: 3,251 Downloads. Download Latest Version (820.22 kB) Advertisement. PunkBuster the original Anti-Cheat system for online multiplayer games. Real-time scanning of memory by PB Client on players' computers searching for known hacks/cheats. Throttled two-tiered background auto-update system using multiple Internet Master Servers to provide end. May 02, 2015 Download Call of Duty 4 punkbuster file , a Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare file.
Punkbuster Cod4 Download
To run punkbuster console messages you need to add a few lines to your pbsv.cfg file Simply add the following and replace the server messages with your own:
;pb_sv_task X Y 'MESSAGE HERE' ;X= Number of seconds after server start to say message ;Y= Number of seconds before repeating this message
pb_sv_task 10 91 'say ^2Welcome To your game server'
pb_sv_task 23 91 'say ^2Powered by Pingperfect.com'
pb_sv_task 36 91 'say ^2message here:'
pb_sv_task 39 91 'say ^1Game Servers'
pb_sv_task 41 91 'say ^1Web Hosting'
pb_sv_task 43 91 'say ^1Voice Servers'
pb_sv_task 45 91 'say ^1VDS Servers'
pb_sv_task 47 91 'say ^1Better than the competition'
pb_sv_task 60 91 'say ^2www.Pingperfect.com.com'
pb_sv_task 86 91 'say ^2Order your server today'
Looking for a game server host known for brilliant 24/7 customer support and quality hardware?
Try a Pingperfect CoD4 server today! https://pingperfect.com/gameservers/call-of-duty-4-game-server-hosting.php