Hahaha Follow me on twitter if you like and you can see my progress. I plan to make Ultraman kaijus in the future, but I also love Godzilla, King Kong, and Gamera kaijus, so I sometimes make them. It isn't a fake Ultra this time, it's 2 Ultraman Jacks in MUGEN, battling for the best spot in this stage! May 13, 2016 This is the screenpack of ultraman fighting evolution that I found on bilibili. YouTube Facebook. Games Mugen Engine. Back; Win Mugen.
Mugen Fight Game

Ultraman Games - play for free online

Ultramen guard the Earth

Ultramen name familiar to fans of the comic book Superman as his alter ego, a super villain who has powerful abilities that he uses for evil and for the sake of destruction. In the Japanese version, Ultramen appears as the savior of the Earth, a fighter against the alien monsters that have taken the protection of all mankind. In Japan, a real hero Ultramen. * 3 It's about good science fiction characters from Japan. It became popular before television screens in the pages of manga, that is comic, it was later filmed a television series with his participation. In the TV movie adventure, there are a number of parallel universes, one of them is very advanced and are friendly to the earth. In parallel space Ultrany people live, many centuries they guarded a number of humanity from various monsters and villains. The story begins with the fact that Shin Hayata, scientists and the military had an accident, a plane crashing on the fault Ultra soldier who became a man on the way. Ultra Warrior chased the monster threatening earthlings. Shin Hayata was killed and another soldier of the space could not forgive himself for killing a man. He decided to resurrect the bus, but took his body, since they both dedicated themselves to protecting the planet from any danger, it is now - Ultramen.
Ultramen is silver- red suit and looks like a man with a semi fin. The fin is on the nose, then the head and along the spine. The main feature on the face of this great glowing eyes, they reflect the effect, when the planet is contaminated or if the hero badly injured, his eyes glaze over.
with the Savior of mankind created the game Ultramen that everyone could feel like a super hero to save the world and fighting with aliens and monsters.
The unique character of the game Ultramen

Warrior sworn to protect the planet Earth, so the game Ultramen against monsters created by developers in large numbers and in all versions of the hero fighting against evil 23 robots arrived on the planet to enslave humanity. Super hero is forced to fight the invaders. On each next level of the opponents are getting stronger, and their number is increasing, but by destroying invaders boss at the end, you'll save the planet. The game is exciting and colorful; 43B battle with aliens Ultramenu necessary not only to use the weapons, but also to look for the keys to the door. To do this, go through all the points, which landed alien monsters and destroy them; 14 ^3 alien robots and monsters are not the only security issue peaceful earthlings, the universe is very large and it is home to all sorts of creatures, so the rescue work there each day. Scary zombies think that people are their food, and only a brave and courageous hero will deal with them. 4* 13 Fighting against evil and one can, but released the game Ultramen for two, they fight monsters and monsters, aliens and other creatures of evil is much more fun to invite to visit a friend for help. Players expect a real battle for the peace and quiet of unsuspecting citizens. 4
Game Mugen Fight Ultraman Youtube Episodes
Srazheniya and killing villains not only fun with Ultramenom the user to change the situation can go on a beautiful Japanese motorcycle, collecting all the skill and the will in a fist, and the way to overcome the various obstacles that the authors of the game Ultramen prepared.